13 September 2010

La mia amica, Angiolina

September 6, 2010

Clearly, I consider myself a “dog person.”  Cats, on the other hand, I can tolerate from a distance.  I have tried to explain this to Angiolina, the family cat, on many occasions--in English, in Italian, with gestures. Sadly, she just does not want to believe it.
Everyday when I come back from school, she sashays joyfully to the door.  From there, she trails me all the way around the house.  She has now tried 3 or 4 times to follow me into the bathroom, in which case, each time I have to trick her into thinking that I am leaving the bathroom before quickly slamming the door shut (with her on the other side).  I need some space, girlfriend!
Her newest, disgusting fetish is licking my feet and legs.  Ange, I just do not want to be this friendly with you.  It’s a bit too much, too fast. Hopefully when Oscar--my Italian fratellino and the person that she apparently loves the most--returns, this Angiolina-clinginess will come to an abrupt stop.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT?????!!! I am so so SO incredibly jealous!!!! Mawwrrrr love that cat back!!!
