15 March 2011

Hello school; Goodbye gelato

Well, after three full months of vacation, last week we were reeled back into reality by our first university class of the semester. On March 8. How can a semester possibly begin on March 8? Holy Cross already returned from spring break for goodness sake.  Anyhow, it’s time we start uhummm working again, I guess...
March 8 is also La Festa delle Donne (Women’s day) here in good, old Italia. A day dedicated to women? I’m fine with that. 
Sylvia informed me that the festival originated in the United States.  Because I’ve heard many a fabricated story from Sylvia (Classic example: Americans do not smoke as much as Italians because they are leaving their carbon footprint in the form of giant SUV’s... Oh, you don’t say...) I doubted the truth behind this tale as well.  According to the article she pressed on me after dinner, however, women’s day began in the United States in honor of the female victims of the tragic Triangle Factory Fire in 1911. Who knew? 

Anyways, I arrived home after class on La Festa Delle Donne to a little bouquet of Mimosa flowers from my Italian babbo. ‘Dorbs. Apparently, Italian men are supposed to give the women in their lives these happy, yellow flowers in celebration... of us being women? I’m totally into that. Receiving flowers for no apparent reason? Alright! Thanks Attils! 

Well, doesn't that look appetizing?
I guess at this point I should also tell you that I am crazy. Yup, that's right. Crazy. At dinner the other night, Nina told me that anyone who doesn’t like crostini is crazy.  MmHmm this population of crazies includes me. Why, you ask? Because crostini a.k.a. liver-pate-on-toast, in my opinion, wins the award for Most Repulsive Italian Food Ever.  I’ve been quite good about trying absolutely everything that my host family serves me for dinner... mostly because, well, if I don’t have a legitimate reason as to why I cannot eat something, they will coerce me into trying just about anything.  Case in point, I’m now a fan of funghi (mushrooms) and melanzane (eggplant). Who knew?  I guess the fact that crostini are one of the few things I will not eat for them (Oh I gave them a shot alright and let me tell you, they do not taste any better than they look), they are willing to give me a break.  Nina, however, will not... from her nine-year-old point of view, I am out of my mind.

Sadly, a few days ago, I discovered something far crazier...something just plain devastating.  Sitting on the couch, wrapped tightly in our blankets, Nina and I avoided the rainy outdoors with some topnotch television shows.  “La Bella e La Bestia”/”Beauty and the Beast” came on and I basically freaked out. I mean, when was the last time I saw “Beauty and the Beast?” I honestly cannot remember. Simply put, it was a real treat, even in Italiano.  
So, what’s the depressing part of the story? Maybe the fact that that was Nina’s first time watching “Beauty and the Beast.”  I thought she was joking. She is nine years old. She is a little girl. She is supposed to have every word to “Tale as old as time” and “Be our guest” memorized. Let’s face it, she should even have dances choreographed to the aforementioned tunes.  At this point, I am seriously concerned with the Pinto’s parenting strategies. If introducing a child to every Disney movie ever made is not a priority then I just don’t know what is.
In other world news, my fellow Catholics and I are one week into Lent.  At this point, I have some astonishing news for my oh-so-many avid readers (Ie: Mom, Dad).  
Miss Gelato-A-Day is taking on the challenge of a lifetime. Say it ain’t so. I’m giving up gelato for lent.
After making this life-changing decision, Adair, Lauren, and I (Oh yeah, we’re all in this together) rewarded ourselves with a Fat Tuesday full of gelato in epic proportions.  Bringing out the big guns (aka a waffle cone bowl filled with 3 flavors and the quintessential chocolate syrup), we brought disgust to the eyes of our Italian, gelato-eating neighbors.  

It was nice knowing you, gelato!
Wish me luck!  It’s going to be a long and torturous 40 days... maybe even longer for our favorite gelaterie that are losing three, big-spending regulars until after Easter!

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