3 April 2011

In like a leone; out like an agnello

Aside from a few more textbooks and a few less layers of clothing, my ridiculous life is pretty much the same.  
Today, Nina and I opted to read our schoolbooks on the picnic table outside after lunch because it was far too nice to be cooped up indoors.  We donned our sunglasses, plopped ourselves side-by-side, and started in on what had to be done.  She finished her geography within 3 minutes and could not understand for the life of her why I wasn’t done yet.  I had to show her the number of pages that Boccaccio was forcing me to read for the day and she responded with a near heart attack... Oh to have the homework of a third grader again...

Me & Signor Bangi

But let’s be honest, I can’t complain.

 Last weekend I did something that I’ve been dying to do since arriving in Italy: a horseback-riding and wine-tasting trip in Chianti.  Anna, Lauren, Rosemary (who studies in Bologna) and I hit the horses, bright and early, Saturday morning

The combo of me and Bangi the horse, must have screamed “riding experience” because the two of us comprised the caboose of the group.  Oh Bangi.  Anyhow, we made a great pair and, speaking on behalf of good, old Bangi, I’d say we had a pretty awesome time together--me, gazing deep beyond the Tuscan hills with the click-clack of horseshoes below, and he, wondering why the hell he got stuck with the chick that eats a gelato a day.

Holdin' up the rear!

(Side note: The doubters won. I may have given up gelato for lent, but after a few weeks, I had to give up lent for gelato.)
Donata, the horse trainer was quite impressed with my ability to deter Bangi from chowing down on the grass (Sorry pal) and to speed him up when the going got rough.  Refusing to believe that I never took lessons, she made me feel glorious. Adding to my self-confidence, she told me that I should definitely return for private lessons for the next few months. Yup, look at me. I’m that good at horseback riding. Can you say “on top of the world?” That is, until Lauren burst my bubble and told me that Donata gave her the exact same spiel while she was riding. What a cruel trick, Donata, that’s just plain rude.
This one's for you, Uncle Ken!

This past weekend I returned to Cinque Terre, this time for some intense, off-road hiking. Trails? No need. We charged over rocks, jumped down hills, shimmied around gates, and enjoyed some pretty impressive views before drowning our scratched-up legs in the Mediterranean for some antiseptic alla Mother Nature. 
That’s all for now!  I’ll try my hardest to send this springtime weather home.  To make things fair, however, anyone with access to a CVS should probably send bucketfuls of chocolate cadbury eggs to those less fortunate! Baci <3

1 comment:

  1. did you meet any etruscans on your horseback adventures? Lorraine says we're related to them. Pretty sure she translated that one herself.
